‘The Reporter’

12 July 2013  - Vol 127 No 26 (Front Page)
Congratulations Sydney Speelman
Congratulations to local athlete, Sydney Speelman on his 10th position in the UTi Rhodes Trail Run that took place on Saturday 6 July.
Sydney was running with the winner (who finished in a record time) up to the 13km checkpoint. They were both checked for compulsory equipment. Sydney did not have the regulation whistle and “space” blanket (emergency blanket). He received an hour’s penalty.
He said it was extremely stressful watching runners pass by during his 60 minute wait.
Sydney managed to improve his position and ended up in 10th position. Well done!
He would like to thank all his supporters, especially Koos Jordaan and Donovan Malherbe.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex