‘The Reporter’
5 July 2013
Carlisle Climb
The organisers of the UTi Rhodes Trail Run are encouraging visitors to extend their stay in the area through the creation of another event.
The first Carlisle Climb, fuelled by PowerBar, was held on Wednesday before the gruelling 52km extreme UTi Rhodes Trail Run.
A spokesperson for the organisers told The Reporter “Most of the Rhodes runners arrive on the Friday before the trail run and leave on the Sunday. We are conscious of the need to assist local tourism and we believe that a short ‘leg-stretcher’ before the main run would give visitors a reason to extend their stay. Thanks to PowerBar we have been able to create this 5km run on the Wednesday before the Rhodes Trail Run. It’s been short notice this year, but have every confidence that it will grow over time as we have with the trail run.”
The PowerBar Carlisle Climb is unique in that it pits runners against the steep uphill section of Carlislehoek, which the trail runners face downhill on Saturday.
A further attraction is that there is no entry fee. To quote from the entry form “Entry Fee: Zero, zip, zilch, gratis, free”.
“We are in Rhodes anyway and with PowerBar kindly sponsoring prizes and hand-outs we felt that as a contribution to stimulate tourism it was unnecessary to have an entry fee” said the Rhodes Run spokesperson.