Myths and legends abound in Rhodes, and the traditions of the trail run are numerous.

As folk tend to do while out enjoying our beautiful tranquil vistas and relishing the lung expanding fresh air that abounds, albeit in limited volume, the chit-chat edges towards membership of the Rhodes Run Polar Bear Club™ and the finisher's medal.

1-Rhodes Polar Bear Club cert

The benefits of membership of the Polar Bear Club are many and varied, and well documented. They range from being able to proudly wear without blushing a Club shirt, to having your wet hair ruffled in the Walkerbouts pub by the last mayor of Rhodes village (the full immersion test), to owning a certificate boldly proclaiming your bravery, to having an instant 'sober up' moment, to having your worn feet skin gently removed by pedicure trained rainbow trout in the Bell River, to keeping your finisher medal.

Probably not the trout exfoliation bit. After all it is highly unlikely that you will remain motionless in the river long enough for our well-trained trout to carry out their gentle task.

Much nudging and nodding in the pub when mention is made of the medal rule, someone quoted Rule 13.5 from the Final Pre-Race Instructions, which requires any finisher who does not join the Rhodes Run Polar Bear Club™ to return their finisher medal. Eyes the size of a Beroemde Hoender tumbler glance furtively around the pub at this, while others brazenly plead ignorance claiming they have never seen the rule as they never read Rules. Usually not a clever comment to make if the RD is within earshot. As the more experienced Rhodes runners know, our RD hears and sees everything!

It is understood that to participate in this optional, voluntary excursion type trot around our hills a runner has to be of sound body and somewhat less than sound mind, and the same rules apply to join the 'at your own risk' Polar Bear Club.

Many supporters support their runner fully and have also been known to totally immerse themselves in the Bell River in solidarity, having cracked the ice as the ritual requires. At their own risk indeed, but no more so than the risk involved joining a runner in Rhodes village. After all, we are told that membership of our Snowflake Number club is even more addictive!

Returning your hard-earned medal if not a member of the Rhodes Run Polar Bear Club™ ... probably a myth. Or is it?


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex