These statistics are of absolutely no relevance to the Rhodes Run. The only possible miniscule benefit in reading this is that it may provide a topic for deep contemplation while climbing Mavis or discussion while tripping along the ‘Tufts of Terror’.

This year we will have 76 Snowflake club members heading out to explore our hills in a less than random pattern.

We asked our Snowflake owners to let us know, discreetly of course, their all-time PB over the 42.4km standard marathon (26 mile for our Petards).

We assume that the PB would have been set on a reasonably macadamised surface, not remotely similar to our surface which of course includes well preserved natural sections where we do not manicure, trim, smooth, cut or create paths. After all you joined us to experience nature so we won't tinker with it. You will enjoy an untamed experience.

Plotting the times a perfect bell curve was created, not dissimilar to our route profile!

The largest bubble was those who ran between 3:10 and 3:40 with 46% of our Snowflake owners having a PB within this half-hour bracket..

Two have a PB of 3 hours and a handful of seconds, putting them in the 12% who ran between 3:00 and 3:10. There are 14% with a time between 2:50 and 3:00 and a further 20% with a best time between 3:40 and 4:30.

At the sharp end 8% have a best time in the 2:44 to 2:49 range, with the fastest never having won a title at the Rhodes Trail Run.

As you traverse our slopes you will pass five of our crew who are also proud owners of a Snowflake number and will relate fully with your pain and joy on our hills.

Their times are random to say the least. One has never run a standard marathon, nor a half marathon for that matter. Highlighting just how meaningless these statistics are!

The others have PBs of 3:30, 2:46, 2:34 and 2:25.

Coincidently the fastest two times are also by the oldest of our crew and both are members of the Petard Club. Our Boxford, USA resident Petard has a 2:34 and the South African Petard did point out that the 2:25 was set so far in the distant past it was using LSD.

Apparently not Long Slow Distance training, but the entry fee was in £.s.d.*

If there is one serious message to come through this silliness, it is that we have darn good crew. Most have been with us for five years and a many for ten. We have a statistical aberration with our crew as well. Some will be supporting you for the first time and one couple for the thirty-first time!

*The £.s.d probably a myth!

For those who have a bent for history the Rand replaced £.s.d. (Pounds, shillings, pence) in 1961.


1-Petard-Trophy-photo 2017-05-24 10-47-004 1-photo 2018-02-27 09-35-20


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex