Some of you take your preparation for our Rhodes Run seriously with ice-baths and altitude training.

This year Saray Khumalo takes the prize for some serious altitude training as part of her Rhodes preparation. Saray’s training peaked at 8848m (that is more than three times our high point!) when earlier this week she successfully summited Mount Everest.

बधाई छ Congratulations Saray!

Saray becomes our third Rhodes runner to summit Everest after John Black (summited in 2009) and Mandy Ramsden (2010).

Travel home safely Saray and we will see you back in Rhodes in just over a month.

1-IMG 8419

Saray at the Walkerbouts feed staion

Rhodes Run 2018

1-Mandy Ramsden 2009

Mandy at the Kisch IP Check Point 

Rhodes Run 2009



Everest 2009

Note:  बधाई छ Nepali for congratulations.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex