Arriving from all corners of South Africa the distance our runners travel to Rhodes varies.

As does the race distance!

The race distance is 52km. Well, sometimes.

The route is traditionally described as being "about 50k but will depend on the mood of the chap setting the course" as many of our more frequent visitors can attest.

Slight changes to the route through the kloof are not that infrequent, sometimes it must be said stimulated through the inadvertent flushing of a covey of Greywing. The 'Tufts of Terror' are known to change each year. Sometimes to avoid a marsh created by melted snow, possibly to by-pass a deep snow drift, maybe to take advantage of a view, or even to enable the flag team to spot a family of mountain reedbuck.

1-IMG 6080-2 1-IMG 5564
Mountain Reedbuck (above) and Greywing Francolin (below) on the route

52km is the rule of thumb, but don't get hung up on that. Depending on the satellites your wrist monitor links with you could measure your run as 50km or even 54km, and if you don't follow the flags we hope you have your passport with you!


Images: Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures and Rhodes Run archives.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex