In 2013 to celebrate our 25th birthday, our silver anniversary, we produced a book reviewing our first 25 years. Each entrant received a complimentary copy at registration. While we penned much of the text and selected images the striking, eye-catching, and highly effective layout was the creative work of Guy Jennings ** and his team. Eight years on the book remains a much-desired item of Rhodes Run memorabilia and we frequently receive requests for a copy of this limited-edition publication which is no longer available.
There is one copy which is extremely special. We had extra blank pages included at the back and as they passed through the pre-race registration process each entrant signed or wrote their name on the back pages.
A unique and much treasured memento of our 25th event.
Each name leaps at us out with memories.
Is your name one of these suitably smudged entries? **
Note 1: * Guy is Snowflake No 398 and carries the moniker ‘Polar Bear’ with much pride.
Note 3: ** Signatures blurred to conform with POPI.