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  Apula R-T-R Box Library 001-1 Apula R-T-R Box Library 006-1  

The Run To Read Challenge is having a fantastic response, and there is a little surprise in store for all who have donated.

Apula Advertising & Design has donated a full 'box library' (seen above), which was very kindly shipped by UTi.

This is the third 'box library' that will be handed over to the Rhodes Public School Zakhele, and there are at least two more in the pipeline. We have it on good authority that the Polar Bear is super stoked, really very chuffed with your generosity.

On race day we'll do the same as last year - everyone is more than welcome to have a picture taken with the Rhodes Polar Bear ... with a token donation to the Run To Read challenge for every picture - not compulsory, but it would be appreciated!


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex