Stress no doubt for the last few runners as they push fatigued legs & lungs through blurred vision towards the Finish banner... and that final cut-off whistle.

Stress for the runners, but heart attack stuff for friends, family and especially the organisers on the Finish line.

Kerry Trentham squeaked in to claim his 'Snowflake' permanent number a mere 34 seconds before the Event Director sounded that final whistle.

Then the heart rate accelerated, hugely!

Frank Wessels heard the PA system while walking up the last hill past the Police Station and thought it was all over. Pushed, shouted at and threatened Frank pounded down those last 50m to cross the line with a full 24 seconds to spare. The experience of 13 finishes at the Rhodes Run!

Our final runner to claim a 2015 medal was an extremely emotional Rhodes novice Izelle Burke who collapsed over the line only 11 seconds before the whistle. A long day up and down the mountains around Rhodes for Izelle resulted in a hard earned and well deserved finish.

1-Rhodes Run 2015 - Craig Muller

Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures captured the emotion as Frank and Izelle closed in on the Finish line, and their medal.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex