Despite what is portrayed in post-event 'war stories' in blogs, newsletters ... and on Twitter, it's not all about running at the Rhodes Run.

There is a bit of eating ...


Some 'styling' ...

-bsgew7UWio-MfwKec4Mr5zjsmojlfuXL76lqjQNqLQ   VKWuQDv8In9hyg CqFyN1fXtqUhQ8rS8bpHAJhc6YdU 

A bit of la-de-da-ing ...

p3 pi6IvgIPCRtRrGa0iwTg3uEUD9Ev96IAgiqQWZDg   IMG 7029 

Some meditation ...

SgWgDAd-an5qJmTz7NIIyEkfneJZvW-5AhEhwf37P4o   dT1VDF8vrxG3FmpDfLAUoYNwOsByON UTfM2r1CtcIo 

Some more eating ...

7ffXKUwbN8lEl88sv7 Nb37IdAzoFm0CSJyTkXDj6IU   dtlPwXqHu0FqCotXnj01j72HuwtByj4p0qjS1o9 YDs

Lots of cursing, both of the quiet and more of the not so quiet variety ...

jV4pJE9UTve9G52z39hxQMATRZ5Z1hBRycPQLzuSgQY   xwVF4Rtcy l16IXEfycGWFR1k1lPd6lu27kqlDg-fFE

Some crewing ...

60D IMG 1339   60D IMG 1206

Some resting ...

rRR8mCMp1tMm-keySH45IAfTI5lhY6ArkWad5oRlpSM   Ahcvg5xSYMI9aFaCNWL1ih4EyPlIVCB9YzMs0wyNr04

Lots and lots of smiles and happiness...

Rhodes Leilani-2015   VxD55 nUudPYQTDZ-39vesJhN1zOFwXeJMFFXFzR -w

A bit of walking ...

psiz-kkVcCnTb-YKtUppqYraL8c-InuOX0KY01muILc   ZXXrHGki8M0aX8A0n1smuL84l9ECksx4j5eFtYdJjBQ

Lots of camaraderie ...

BuulP5SFgXI-xdNbp7D-5HI2nfx V6nu81gVLQdv-rI   DMK-KischKrew-Chairmans Award2015

...oh yes, and there was some running ...

KroktR0nS7gWBoAxMnSyCq0pf3jRg4hPhR5ScAGX2NA   WLINm5y6rimANgSBSrqaG7GzaEa 2e bKOVFY5y1OM8
gsL0jz-TqhHyPJig2vbh95C0xNQyToT5dFee xudKCY 1   Cj1i6XC34Qp7k8NSubSIzdAvodL4x2gkh7ZlBKkr9nI 1

 And in support of the Rhodes Vulture Restaurant there was the traditional Rhodes Run Polar Bear Club™ swim

 PB   PB 

... those flashes are um, flashless ...


Images : Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures, Tony Kietzman and Rhodes Trail Run


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex