Last month we shared this reminder with our entrants, but it was the replies from some 'seasoned Polar Bears', aka Mavis Lovers, which we enjoyed.
The initial note was in response to questions from novices about the cut-off at the top of Mavis Bank.
Mavis is a 'bit' of a climb, coming after 20km. 
This extract from the Rules – 
Qualifying Time: You do not have to run a ‘qualifying time’ before you enter the Rhodes Run 
However, you need to be able to comfortably complete a ‘fast flat road’ 21km in less than 2:15 – 2:30 in order to make the border Check Point cut-off of 4½ hours. Any slower and there is a good chance you’ll be riding down the mountain in a recovery vehicle 
At that pace it will still be a serious push to beat the 9 hour cut-off at the Finish 
As you'll read in the 'News' item tomorrow in 27 years only one person has ever gone sub- 2 hours to the top of Mavis. Only one !  
Don’t underestimate those first 21km. And of course you have not reached the halfway mark at the top of Mavis.
The best thing about Mavis, other than the views, is that you will be welcomed warmly by our fabulous team at the feed station, Kisch IP Krew – they know how to pamper you!
1-DMK-KischKrew-Chairmans Award2015
Kisch IP Krew - Best Feed Station 2015
The replies, from novices and Mavis veterans alike, came in at a rush!
The best ones
“You should have been a Politician putting the hard work getting to the top of Mavis so “diplomatically”
I would have said: “Be very fit, Mavis is going to cut you down to size and if not fit enough, she’s going to eat you alive and spit you out – Beware!!” 
Ah! Looking forward to my yearly encounter with her! “
“I have no idea how many times novices have asked me on one of the early bumps in the trail: "Is this Mavis Bank?"  If you have to ask, it isn't.” 


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex