The organisers of the Rhodes Run arranged that a group of St Dominic's Priory School (Port Elizabeth) pupils recently spent time in Rhodes on an Outreach Mission at the Zakhele Rhodes Public School.

In addition to repainting the inside and outside of the smaller classroom building at the school, they installed door handles on all classroom doors, set up shelving in the staff room, installed the four wall heaters which had been donated by the Rhodes Run and installed ceiling trim in the Grade 4 classroom. They also replaced glass windows in various classrooms and installed a window at the soup kitchen as well as putting up educational posters for the Grade 4 children.

The big surprise for the Rhodes Public School staff and pupils was the donation by Priory of 6 computers which were installed and set up before the Outreach returned to Port Elizabeth.
The Priory children also played three soccer matches against Rhodes Public School and visited a nearby farm to view and learn about San rock art. They also increased their skill base by learning how to milk a cow.
Some of the comments from the Priory pupils on leaving Rhodes:
“Thank you for the wonderful past few days and for the hospitality. My first experience at Rhodes has been truly amazing and I can’t wait to return again!”
“It was a great new experience”
“It was honestly one of the most eye-opening coolest experiences and thank you for putting up with us hoards of teenagers”
“This has been a trip to remember and I look forward to coming again”
“This trip was seriously humbling and I will remember it”
“There is nothing in the world I would give to replace this trip”
“The school kids really made my holiday and touched my heart. The work was hard, but so very worth it.”
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Wall heater, before    
 photo 2016-06-26 17-06-58    photo 2016-06-26 17-07-02
..after, the new wall heater...    ...and posters
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 New Windows... friends... 
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...old windows...   ...and new windows
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The four girls teams   
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 The two boys teams    Twizza fun!
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 New skills    San rock art


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex