The 5 best times to the 'Mavis Top' Check Point over the 28 years, although 'Mavis' has only been run 26 times - if anyone has ever run 'Mavis' from the river to the Check Point!

1:53:00 Dirkie Moolman 1995  
1:57:15 Jannie le Roux 1991  
1:58:02 Rodwell Sims 1996  
1:58:30 Uys Grundling 1993  
1:59:30 Dirkie Moolman 1994  

Dirkie's 'Best Time' from 1995 stands for yet another year.

 IMG 6123-2   IMG 6199-2 
 IMG 6127    IMG 6126
IMG 6176-2   IMG 6333
IMG 6132   IMG 6192
IMG 6238
Jannie le Roux, three time overall winner and one of only 4 runners to achieve sub-2 hours to the 'Mavis Top' Check Point
tackles 'Mavis' on his 20th Rhodes Run


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex