... we release a 'Wild Card' invitation to the 2017 Rhodes Run, with proceeds going to the Rhodes Run Zakhele 2017 projects.

Your R200 donation gets you into the draw for an invitation to the 2017 Rhodes Run.

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Send your name, mobile phone number and confirmation of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your donation of R200 to be made to:

Bank  FNB     Account Name  Rhodes Trail Run     Account  6210 1348 391     Branch Code  211217 

Deposit reference  Your name

No cash deposits - EFT only

Closing date for entries Monday 14 November 2016
Competition conditions:
• The ‘Wild Card’ invitation will be done by way of a draw. The draw will be monitored by PKF (Port Elizabeth).
 • The prize is one (1) ‘Wild Card’ invitation to the 2017 Rhodes Run
    All incidental costs such as travel, meals, accommodation, drinks etc will be for the winner’s own cost.
• The 'Wild Card' is not transferable
• The draw will take place on Wednesday, 16 November 2016
 • The winner’s completed ‘Wild Card’ competition invitation/entry form to be returned to the organisers no later than 22 November 2016. Failure to do so and the result of the first draw will be void and a second draw will take place. Should the winner not be in a position to participate after submitting his/her entry form, then a second draw will take place, provided the closing date for event entries has not passed. There will be no refund of competition entry fees.
 • All standard Rhodes Run entry criteria, as stipulated by the event organisers, will apply.
• Winner will be notified telephonically, and will be announced on the Rhodes Run website.
• Organisers decision will be final. 
Image: Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex