Extract from an Entry Form:

Indicate any allergies:

"Serious grass allergy - Esp tufts randomly placed at high altitude"

1-10501925 670543569705960 1-10547695 670543603039290 1-10300695 670543623039288

Images courtesy Caroline Lee (Snowflake No 1008)

He coined the description 'tufts of terror', which is a most apt term for the Hooggenoeg Ridge section. That undulating, wind-swept, sometimes blizzard-covered, trackless slice of the route from the Quarry Check Point to the old Hikers Hut Check Point. While the 360° view is breathtaking, from Ben MacDhui at your back, Lesotho View and Mavis on your left, Rhodes village to your right as you near the hikers' style, to the ever-distant Hooggenoeg Peak in front of you, it is a brave runner who takes advantage of these vistas while on the move.

The Hooggenoeg grass tussocks come with a 'Health & Safety' warning. Those innocent looking bunches of high altitude grass can hurt. Especially if you miss-step on one.

No names, no pack-drill, but notwithstanding his allergy to our carefully constructed and haphazardly positioned grass clumps he set a 50+ best time last year finishing 2nd overall. A multiple overall winner and wearer of Victorian-era headgear it will be good seeing you on our hills again Iain Morshead.

1-IMG 6417 1-IMG 6436 1-IMG 6427

Images above & below courtesy Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures

And that Victorian-era headgear for a Victorian-era village ...

1-IMG 1814


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex