There was the 'Rhodes Triple' and the 'Rhodes Macnab'.

Only one person, to our knowledge, completed the 'Rhodes Triple', and with the demise of two of the legs of the Triple his name is archived in the annals of our run.

The Ultimate Rhodes Grand Slam is without doubt the toughest, most challenging and probably most significant of all challenges.

A quick dig through the archives of similar events world-wide and it appears that such a Grand Slam has never been achieved, probably never attempted to be fair as it is more than a mouthful no matter how you slice it.

The Rhodes Grand Slam, the 'Ultimate' Grand Slam is achieved by being awarded every trophy that a runner (male or female) can claim at the Rhodes Trail Run. 

1-1-Iain Morshead Prize-giving Craig Muller

Iain Morshead with 50+ Trophy (2016)

Iain Morshead, overall winner of the Rhodes Run in 2003 & 2006, could be first to the Rhodes Run 'Ultimate Grand Slam'.

The awards/trophies are-

Award/Trophy   Year First Won 1
King (or Queen) of the Kloof    2003
First Overall    2003
1st 35-40 (Sub-Master) [Not awarded since 2008]  2002
1st 40+    2005
1st 50+    2015
1st 60+    Watch this space
1st 70+    Watch this space









The recent introduction of our Petards Trophy for our 70+ age-group has made our 'Ultimate' Grand Slam more challenging, and has extended the time it will take to complete the challenge by a few years.

Iain Morshead is the only person who is on-track to achieve the Ultimate Grand Slam, a feat unmatched at any other event globally2

This will be without question a remarkable achievement of endurance, longevity and long-term goal-setting.3


Note 1: Year first won by Iain Morshead

Note 2: As far as we have been able to research

Note 3: The only award Iain will then need to claim is without doubt the toughest of all to receive, The Chairman's Award, presented to the best Feed Station as voted by the runners. We are sure Iain's family and friends have been alerted and the goal set.

Image courtesy Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex