Over the years we have been remise in not adequately recognising our more experienced finishers. Age brings many blessings and benefits, but an easier or shorter Rhodes Trail Run are two things that is does not bestow.

At three score and ten the Rhodes Run is a significant challenge, and we are extremely pleased to announce that there will now be a trophy for our most experienced finishers.

Going through our records we noted that only four men1 over the age of 70 years and no female had completed the full course.2

And while some will argue that a trophy for a category with only one or two qualifying competitors demeans such an award, we will delay our reposte until they line up for a Rhodes Trail Run qualifying for the 70+ trophy.

While it is a rather simple matter to 'create' a trophy for the 70+ category we believed that a trophy of this significance warranted an appropriate and meaningful name.

But what to call a trophy for our 70+ winners?

One of our Snowflake Number holders is a member of an informal running club in Boxford, Massachusetts, USA the ‘No Name Athletic Club Petards’. They meet every Sunday morning at Wayne's Country Store in 'metropolitan' Boxford and refer to themselves as the Petards (explanation follows) as the bulk of their members are somewhat mature. 

The perfect solution for our trophy. We duly obtained permission from the Respected Empress of the club for our 70+ trophy to be called the 'Petards Trophy'

An explanation on the appropriateness, and origin, is probably required.
'Petard' is from the Norman French Word péter and from the Latin peditum 'to break wind'. In other words, a fart.  
Since at 70+ years of age most of these men and ladies are past their youthful primes it is an appropriate name for a trophy for our ‘old farts’. 
Our Rhodes Run Snowflake Number holder who is a member of the Boxford, Mass based Petards is Peter Cross #368.
Petard-Trophy-photo 2017-05-24 10-47-03
Note 1: The men aged 70+ who have completed the full Rhodes Trail Run course are Brian Key, Henry Mudge, Gerard van den Raad and Peter Cross.

Note 2: Brian Key (73) and Willemien Smuts (71) completed the run in 2012. The course was shortened and rerouted due to inclement weather and no-one (other than the 'Flag Team') summited Mavis Bank that year.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex