The collective noun for a group of Rhodes runners is ...


The collective noun is an Aurora of Rhodes runners.

Dave Funnell (Snowflake # 1099), who coined the phrase during our competition last year, outlined his rationale for using 'aurora' as the collective noun for Rhodes runners thus

It's actually the collective noun for a group of Polar Bears - very relevant.
I also like the ring of it due to its other meaning as a romantic name for the Roman Goddess of Sunrise, who's tears turn into the morning dew. The sunrise over the mountains at Rhodes has been gorgeous both years I've run.
Along with being associated with the electrical phenomenon of green & red steamers, the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole & Aurora Australis at the South Pole.
Somehow seems to sum up Rhodes for me.


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex