We have been told, only on a very few occasions mind**, that our route is not flat, apparently littered with a number of bumps/undulations/lung testers before and after Mavis.

Lumpy route* it is said.

Here is one of the easier 'climbs' of the day. The stile at Hooggenoeg Peak. Easy if the wind is not chucking and buffeting you as you totter up the stile on possibly less than stable pins having just survived crossed the 'tufts of terror'.

It is truly downhill from here. Well, almost!

1-VKWuQDv8In9hyg CqFyN1fXtqUhQ8rS8bpHAJhc6YdU

Image: Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures

* We need to point out, given the average age of our Polar Bears, that 'Lumpy Route' is not to be confused with Frank Zappa's album 'Lumpy Gravy', even though one of the tracks was "Up and Down".

** That could be flexing the truth a smidge!


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex