Much is spoken about Mavis, mostly in hushed tones. But how important could Mavis be to your overall run if you treat her badly? Or as some would phrase it, if you disrespect her she will treat you badly ... on 'the tufts of terror' along Hooggenoeg Ridge.

A quick glance at the men's event reveals that of the 29 editions on eight occasions the overall winner was not the first to the top of Mavis and did not claim the King of the Kloof trophy.

In the Ladies event on five occasions the overall winner did not take home the Queen of the Kloof trophy.

For the more mathematical, that gives a Mavis/Win ratio of some 73% for the men and 83% for the ladies. Important information for those lining up 'Rhodes Heaters' or 'Beroemde Hoenders' as side bets.

Only in two years, 1993 and 2000, did the Mavis and overall win not go to the same runner for both the men's and ladies.  

The King of the Kloof in 1993 was Phillip van Niekerk, Snowflake No 165, who will be running his 16th Rhodes Run in July.

Coincidently, of those running this year Phillip holds the most Rhodes 'titles'.

The holders of the most 'Rhodes' titles overall remain Trevor Toerien, Snowflake No 726, and Tammy Kelly, Snowflake No 636. Trevor last ran Rhodes in 2011 and Tammy in 2008.

1-Trevor Toerien- winner  King of the Kloof 1-Tammy Kelly-2007 Ladies Winner PhillipvNiekerk Rhodes12 IMG 5004
Trevor Toerien Tammy Kelly Phillip van Niekerk




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