They arrive at 'Walkerbouts Inn', wide-eyed, crying out for a Beroemde Hoender.

Knuckles still white from clutching the steering wheel ... or for the less fortunate, the passenger grab handle.

Technology - 1, Best route - 0

The drive over Lundean's Nek, also known a Lundin's Nek, for many who are less frequent district or gravel road travellers can be unnerving and never-ending. Travelled after sunset an experience not many will forget and will share with unnecessary embellishment for years afterwards.

Listed on the Dangerous Roads website "This trail passes through remote areas, so you need to be prepared. This route is not suitable for normal cars. If you dare to take the risk and travel along this dusty and bumpy route, then make sure to be driven by someone who has experience of the road."

The 'SatNav' route from Bloemfontein to Rhodes tends to by-pass Aliwal North and Barkly East, which is all well and good with a vehicle worthy of the challenge and a driver comfortable with a road less travelled.

Pull out that 'old school' paper map, or head to your nearest AA store. The old 'strip maps' even an old school Atlas will generally provide the most efficient drive to Rhodes.

SatNav has also deflected travellers into the Bokspruit and Riflespruit, not the best way to Rhodes.

Siting in the pub at Walkerbouts and someone arrives wide-eyed gasping for a strong drink, you'll know they have experienced a SatNav arrival!


 Described thus on South African Passes 

"... must rank as the most underrated big gravel pass in South Africa. Not that many people have driven this pass ...

The pass is steep and peppered with 101 bends, corners and curves including four hairpins, several unbridged stream crossings and very steep, unguarded drop-offs. It's also long at 14,5 km and concentration levels need to be maintained throughout. The pass is not suitable for normal sedan vehicles. Whilst we recommend a 4x4 for this road, it is possible to complete it in a high clearance 4x2 vehicle in fair weather."


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex