Our vintage Polar Bears know this and the newbies in our Class of '18 are experiencing or will shortly experience this.


Rhodes village and the Rhodes Trail Run have quirks, quite a few quirks, before, during and after the run.

When it feels like you have been on the 60km district road from Barkly East for 100's of km's, but actually still have 30km to go ...

When it feels like you have been on the waiting list for an eternity, or at least since the birth of early man, but actually it is only 19 months ... *

When it feels like single digit days to race day, but is actually 20-something days to go ...

When your legs and lungs feel like they have done 35km, but actually you have not reached Mavis Top ... **

When it feels like minus 20°C, but is actually only minus 8°C ...

The quirks of Rhodes. One has to experience them.


* Fifteen pairs of trail shoes (on average, depending how often you run 'unmanicured' routes) is the longest anyone has waited for a personal invitation; making use of the substitution facility reduces that to about three pairs of trail shoes

** For first-timers Mavis Top is min of meer 21km from the start. The last 600m to Mavis Top feels like 4.956km ...


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex