Hello Rhodes runners
We have special greetings for you all the way from Boxford, Massachusetts, the home of the ‘No Name Athletic Club’, better known as the Petards. Which is, as you know, the origin of our 70+ trophy.
Our 2017 Petard champion, Peter Cross ‘Snowflake 368’ sent this message as you prepare for our 30th event. No question Peter & Ileana are going to miss being with us in 25 days and will be thinking of you.
IMG 6221
Peter receiving the Petard Trophy from Evie (2017)
Image: Craig Muller | Backyard Adventures
Peter wrote
I will be thinking of you and the Aurora.  I think the pain of Mavis and the climate is dwarfed not only by the satisfaction derived by crossing the finish line in 9 hours, but also by the pain of not being there to defend my new title.
I hope there is snow, and wind, and cold and that my substitute finishes on time and in good shape.
All the Best to the Organizers, the Aid Station Crews and the Aurora of Runners,
Thank you Peter
Note: In addition to receiving the 70+ Petard Trophy last year, Peter was 1st 50+ in 2002 and has accumulated 16 Rhodes Trail Run medals


  • DMK
  • Organ Donor Foundation
  • Aramex