Letter from Staff of Rhodes Public School - 25 July 2012
"We at Rhodes Public School have been in the privileged position of receiving box libraries from various sponsors. This has changed the attitude of learners in ways that cannot be described. These box libraries are filled with new and modern reading book. These books makes reading fun and makes it possible for our learners to become more literate in English.
Our school is situated in the North-Eastern Cape in a small village called Rhodes. The school is located in the Zakhele location just outside the village. All our learners are black Xhosa speaking, and most of them walk several miles to school from the farms they live on.
We currently have 237 learners enrolled at our school. Most of these learners come from a rural background and from very needy homes.
English is a language they rarely use and for this reason they are struggling at school because all their subjects are taught in English from grade 4 to 9. These learners are very eager to learn and therefore these books make the impossible seem possible!!
These books will motivate, encourage and give the learners self-confidence to speak and write English. This will have a chain reaction of learners doing better at school and will therefore be able to finish school.
Therefore we at Rhodes Public School wants to express our deepest gratitude of looking out for the needs of our school, embracing us with your warm hearted gratitude and giving us these books.
Thank you very much you have helped us changing lives!!
Staff of Rhodes Public School
Principal T G Ndzakana"